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Let’s Create Magic

Together By Leveling Up

Your Business & Life

Let’s Create Magic

Together By Leveling Up

Your Business & Life

abstract ink brush splash

Get More Time For Doing What You Love,

Build Beautiful Relationships, Improve

Health and Fitness, And Create A Highly

Motivated Team.

Get More Time For Doing What You Love,

Build Beautiful Relationships, Improve

Health and Fitness, And Create A Highly

Motivated Team.

About Me

I am a Certified Life & Business Coach.

Helping smart individuals reach the next level in the life & business ​endeavours. This often means we level up their relationships, their vision, ​their career, their finances, their health, their fitness and their business.

I’ve written & published 5 books, one of which is an international best-​seller and have created 3 programs teaching more than 4000 students ​around love, mental health and living a fulfilling life.

I hold a Masters Degree in Communication Science, worked in more than 12 ​different professions and like to take things easy.

My clients would usually have a lot of fun while we work together, create a ​lot in the process and ‘magically’ accomplish all their goals.

Some of the biggest events I’ve hosted have been personal growth ​weekend events, weekly cafe’s but also flashmobs with more than 300 ​people involved.

Personally I love sci-fi, anime, all kinds of sports, games and travel.


Transform Your Business and Life with

These Must-Read Books

Brilliant Illusions

It’s the year 2049. The world has ​overcome the climate crisis that ​erupted in the late 20s and is now ​facing an unprecedented challenge.

8 Principles of Love

The 8 Principles of Love: Why it works when you stop trying to find the one. Discover the human experience of how Love works.

Communicating for Extroverts

Communicating for Extroverts: A Fast and Easy Guide To Level Up Your Communication Skills


Programs That Will Inspire You

Travel, Work, Live your Dreams – The Art of Playing Full ​Out. Start living a life beyond your wildest imagination

Find the one, find the many and experience love – with ​no regrets. The journey of finding that special someone

Understand mental health challenges and learn the ​fundamentals you need to manage them well

Experience what real freedom feels like, loose the ​limitations you may experience every day and tap into ​a profound sense of peace.




69+ Ho​urs






The Vision For A Better Future

#1 Energy

We have managed to ​overcome the climate crisis, ​have fully let go of fossil fuels, ​figured out a way to end the ​garbage problem. – SDG 7 & 12

#2 Healthcare

Your health is monitored and ​improved by a personalised ​high-tech chair that can quickly ​make diagnoses and prescribe ​treatments. – SDG 3

#3 Wildlife

The human-animal bond has ​been restored, creating ​protective habitats for wildlife to ​roam freely and co-exist among ​humans.

#4 Education

Education has shifted to life long ​learning, creating universities ​for people of all ages. Children ​are highly educated in history, ​values, debate, science, ​communication, spirituality & ​well-being,

#5 Work

We have reduced work to a ​20h/week so that everyone has ​time to slow down, take care of ​family, learn, play and develop. ​– SDG 8

#6 Transportation

Travel is mainly done on high-​speed trains and high-tech ​planes that allow everyone a ​first-class experience and run ​on fuel that renews the ​environment. – SDG

#7 Religion & Spirituality

Humanity has stepped beyond ​religion into a spirituality for the ​self. Thus religion is not any ​longer part of politics but ​something people just choose ​for themselves. – SDG 16

#8 Citizenry

A new global form of governing, ​that allows for citizens to easily ​travel, work and live anywhere. ​Corruption has become a rare ​incident and equal rights and ​opportunities have been ​established among all people.

Craft the Vision of Your Future


Stories Of Transformation From My Clients


ROI ov​er 3 Years

"There are things I don’t even look at now and results are still coming in"

“At first we didn’t have a clear direction. We had many things we wanted to do but didn’t know how to prioritise. The business is growing and since we were busy we had a couple of problems that we would sweep under the rug, like communication issues, etc. Sometimes we would fight and we wouldn’t be able to reach a consensus, then move on despite of the problem persisting.

One of the things I wanted to improve was our communications, having a system of how we tackle problems. We needed something or someone else to do it for us, a neutral party.

Personally I used to oversee a lot, in the last year I managed to delegate and let go of that. That’s a big deal, I never thought that was possible actually. There are things I don’t even look at now and results are still coming in. Job division I thought was better to have rather undefined but it turns out people work better when their roles are defined and there is less conflict, too.

There is an overall increase in the level of trust. Previously there were trust issues. Now not anymore. I think the transparency that we have now helped a lot with that.

We are also now able to fully work from home. In Malaysia that’s quite rare. Everyone now is going back to their office, but we’re still able to work from home fully. The biggest challenge would be communications and teamwork but surprisingly we’re doing ok on these.

I feel more positive, more cheerful. I haven’t met half of my staff, but the level of trust is even higher than it used to be. That was totally unexpected. I also feel more confident growing the company.

I got us started with coaching because I could see the unresolved conflicts come up eventually. That’s why I thought it would be wise to get expert help.”

Aravind G.

CEO, Primus IP


Eye icon. Flat black eye icon. Eye silhouette. Eyesight symbol.

"It’s like entering a Magic Castle"

“You have overdelivered so big so I decided to send you this short video. Many testimonials ​begin like "Toma did a great job, he showed up very professionally etc etc" - however this is ​definitely not enough to express what working with you is about as one is faced with a new way ​of thinking - it's like entering a Magic Castle - you know what I mean.

For everyone who sees this, Toma has this amazing ability to take you on a journey where the ​insights are profound, it's like he flips a switch in your mind and suddenly everything looks ​different.

I've been a coach for a while now but I can say that working with Toma has transformed my ​perspective on the business aspect of coaching. One of the most significant shifts I've noticed is ​how I approach my own actions and how I get into an exciting state of mind communicating ​with prospects. What I have learned is refreshing and empowering.

If you are watching this video you are already connected to Toma in some way. Perhaps you are ​overthinking things telling yourself "one day I will take care of my business" or whatever may be ​holding you back let me ask you a question: Has playing the waiting game ever truly helped you ​move forward? I'm a big sports fan so I suggest - just do it, you won't regret it. Take Toma as your ​coach.”

Jörg Kleindienst

Mind-Body Coach to Athletes & Professionals


"Getting some of my Energy back"

"I initially said yes to this experience with Toma because I enjoy hanging out with him. I didn't really have the chance to experience him as a coach before so this was my first time. When we started my goal was to create more time and energy for myself. I was transitioning from a packed schedule and a full-time job to a career as an entrepreneur. Which is why we also focused on creating revenue in my new business.

The journey itself was so light and fun that I almost didn't notice how easily I tapped into my new identity. It felt like I was talking to one of my best friends and getting expert level advice.

I found myself saying no when I needed to and getting some of my energy back as I stopped taking ownership of how others feel. What surprised me here is that I didn't feel any FOMO - which never happened before. Once I had the extra time and energy we crafted some great offers with which I'm now going out into my community. I'll always remember some of our concepts such as “opening hours” and “the warrior” which made it so easy to anchor my intentions.

What an awesome experience it was to have such a supportive and fun coach like Toma. I couldn't have achieved the accelerated growth I did in such a short period without his guidance and the space he held for me. Ever grateful!”

Mukti Chugani

CEO of The Mindfulness Educator


"The premise was to get to 20h/work week and be ​in full presence when it’s my time with work and ​when it’s my time with family.“

While working with Toma I’ve experienced pure joy, and ​acceptance, being held and offered a safe space & deep love. ​These coaching calls were the most expected among all the calls ​during last month.”

Nataliya Storozhylova

Co-founder of WeVoice, PhD, MBA


"From Relationships to Mastering the Mind, ​Powerful Analogies and Strong Routines - we ​covere​d​ it all."

"Working with Toma has been a hilarious and deeply​ enriching experience. We would explore how I've created my wo​rld, while having a drink and laughing a lot. Throughout t​he month I stumbled upon a couple of interesting insights​ that will probably stick with me for a while. From relatio​nships, to mastering the mind, powerful analogies and strong ​routines - we covere​d​ it al​l."


Business Mentor & Communit​y Builde​r,


"The premise was to get to 20h/work week and be in full presence when it’s my time with work and when it’s my time with family."

“As a very active mama and at the same time very active business owner & somebody, who wants to have my cup full to show up in the world as the best version of me. I definitely needed to get more done with less time I had. The premise was to get to 20 h/work week and be in full presence when it’s my time with work and when it’s my time with family.

Other than offering a huge set of mindset tools, in particular, to live life as an Essentialist and create a mind-shift, Toma also offered to master energy. And that was precisely what I needed. And he is unbelievably good at it.

After just 1 month… I have redefined the culture of my business & my business freedom, and my value per hour, I am experimenting more & more with the power of choice and really getting very powerfully into energy work to improve even further my personal boundaries, increase synchronicities in my life, abundance, and get practical access my higher higher-self.

While working with Toma I’ve experienced pure joy, and acceptance, being held and offered a safe space & deep love. These coaching calls were the most expected among all the calls during last month. His coaching is recommended beyond measure & deeply thank you, Toma.”

Nataliya Storozhylova

Co-founder of WeVoice, PhD, MBA


"The premise was to get to 20h/work week and be ​in full presence when it’s my time with work and ​when it’s my time with family.“

While working with Toma I’ve experienced pure joy, and ​acceptance, being held and offered a safe space & deep love. ​These coaching calls were the most expected among all the calls ​during last month.”

Nataliya Storozhylova

Co-founder of WeVoice, PhD, MBA


"After only 3 weeks of working with Toma I managed to increase my productivity by 3x and cut my working time in half"

“Toma’s approach to personal and business transformation has completely revolutionized the way I work. After only 3 weeks of working with Toma I managed to increase my productivity by 3x and cut my working time in half.

I have so much more free time and mental space. I feel more energized and motivated to tackle new challenges and expand my business. Toma’s insights and guidance have been invaluable, and I’m eagerly looking forward to continuing to work with him.

I highly recommend Toma to anyone who wants to take their life and business to the next level and achieve outstanding results in just one session.”

Alex Cucer

Executive Business & Life Coach


"Toma's unwavering support was essential in recovering work-life balance..."

“With genuine gratitude, I want to highlight the incredible impact Toma, my personal life and career and everything coach, has had on my life. Under his guidance, I not only gained clarity regarding my daily routine, but also managed to navigate the complexities of my evolving responsibilities. Toma’s unwavering support was essential in recovering work-life balance, a crucial element that I highly value but also was struggling to prioritise over the past months.

Toma’s unique approach goes beyond mere coaching; it feels like navigating life with a trusted companion. His insights are not only professional but deeply personal, creating a safe space where I could openly explore and redefine my goals. As I faced the challenges of increasing work demands, Toma’s wisdom and encouragement became a steady anchor, allowing me to thrive in both my professional and personal spheres.

I am immensely grateful for Toma’s expertise and the positive transformation he has sparked in my life. The journey has been more than a coaching experience; it’s been a transformative exploration guided by someone who genuinely cares about my well-being and success. Coaching with Toma seems so easy and gain SO much value out of it.”

Sylvia Avila

Marketing Specialist


Click Here to Explore How to Create Extra Time in Your Day

"His energy is intoxicating, and his positive

outlook on life is just inspiring"

“Toma is a GENIUS at creating and growing communities, creating ​authentic connections and providing a safe space for people to ​share and learn from each other. I have had an amazing experience ​at the monthly Mastermind he facilitates — where time and again, ​everyone’s energy vibrations rise towards a whole new level!”

Gemma Cortadellas

Business & Inner Leadership Coach


"This was unthinkable for me as an outcome"

“Hi Toma!!! I just sent the invoice for my first official paying client ​program thank you, you created magic for me!!

This was unthinkable for me as an outcome in such a short time, less ​than one year of studying coaching.”




"This was unthinkable for me as an outcome"

“Hi Toma!!! I just sent the invoice for my first official paying client ​program thank you, you created magic for me!!

This was unthinkable for me as an outcome in such a short time, less ​than one year of studying coaching.”




"These sessions have inspired me to keep a clear focus ​on our vision as a company"

“Anytime I join a mastermind session hosted by Toma, I feel as if I ​was back to my home: Warm, safe space which allows deep ​discussions to happen and generate powerful insights. These ​sessions have inspired me to keep a clear focus on our vision as ​a company and my purpose as human-being/leader/life coach.

So, over the past few weeks, I empower my team more and more ​so they can deliver events without my presence for our ​company’s community of clients and fans.

This wouldn’t have happened so fast without these masterminds. ​It now became the norm, allowing me to have more time to focus ​on other strategic aspects of our company’s growth. Thank you ​Toma!”

Gassounon Clovis-Raphaël Sabidare

CEO, Founder & Life Coach


"This was unthinkable for me as an outcome"

“Hi Toma!!! I just sent the invoice for my first official paying client ​program thank you, you created magic for me!!

This was unthinkable for me as an outcome in such a short time, less ​than one year of studying coaching.”




"After having about eight sessions with Toma, I was a happy person enjoying my day to day life and the problems having completely disappeared."

“Life coaching is a vague subject that not many people know what they will get from it, and that was the same for me. Before starting my sessions with Toma, I was very sceptical about it and did not think it will solve any of my problems or improve my lifestyle, but I gave it a go, and I was surprisingly pleased with the outcome. When you first talk to Toma, you will realize that this guy is just a friendly person that wants to give a different perspective to look at your life. Having a conversation with Toma feels like talking to your friend. He listens and instead of telling you what to do, by asking the right questions he makes you realize what the problem is and how you can solve or improve it. After having about eight sessions with Toma, I was a happy person enjoying my day-to-day life and the problems had disappeared. This man has magic; he can turn your life around just by having a conversation with you.”

Parsa Barheini



"I couldn’t have asked for a more complete ​package"

“Being a part of Toma’s mastermind has positioned me with leadership ​skills through his amazing ability to influence, encourage, and personally ​support me to stretch my self-imposed limits impacting my business ​from moving forward. Meanwhile, he choreographed opportunities to ​sharpen my coaching skills. I couldn’t have asked for a more complete ​package. Thank you Toma Mol, you’re the best!”

Wanda Robertson

Mental Health Coach


"Over the course of a year, I learned the most important ​skills from Toma – presence and silence"

Participating and co-creating in a Mastermind led by Toma Molerov are ​moments of magic. Toma’s leadership helped me to stretch my ideas and ​vision and to think outside a box in an untraditional way. I always finish the ​mastermind sessions with inspiration and drive to make huge positive change ​and impact. Over the course of a year, I learned the most important skills from ​Toma – presence and silence. This is exactly what I pay forward to people I ​meet and serve so I can say that Toma has not just impacted me but he is ​indirectly impacting others too.”

Dijana Llugolli

Success & Business Coach


"Each session brought me something new"

“I really appreciate our monthly calls as it is always a source of inspiration ​and (re)connection both with me, my mission, and the other coaches. ​What’s amazing is that each time Toma brings joy and a huge amount of ​energy into the group, thus allowing every participant to feel energized at ​the end of the session. I greatly appreciate that he offers safe spaces to ​express ourselves, and create a welcoming place where we can go ​straight to real things that are blocking us on our road. I can affirm that e​ach session brought me something new (a methodology, an exercise, a b​unch of deep questions, insights, …) which is a game changer both for my m​indset and then on my business and my clients.”

S​ébastien Miquée

L​ife & Business Master Coach


"Why limit yourself, when you can simply ​not."

“I’m generally quite sceptical about getting coaching, as it often makes ​me feel more like a third party is trying to “get all up in my business” as ​opposed to providing support. Nonetheless, the one coaching I’ve had ​from Toma I remember as a fun and exciting session that made me feel ​free and motivated! Toma’s approach set no limits to the imagination ​and encouraged me to set any thinkable goal, in a very detailed ​manner, making them tangible.”

Polina Pogrebinskaya

Aspiring scientist


"This program has helped me in meeting with ​my current partner."

“Try to have a free and trial session with Toma first. If you feel that it ​helps you with your life, then try the coaching program. So far, this ​program has helped me in meeting with my current partner and ​also made me realize more about myself that I never realized ​before. Try this program and see how it works best for you!”



"I was able to discover how to enjoy life ​challenges and take my life into my own hands."

“I’ve had few coaching conversations with Toma, but that alone already ​shifted quite a few things. With his coaching I was able to discover how ​to enjoy life challenges and take my life into my own hands. I learned ​how to visualize the future I want for myself and to harness all what life ​taught me in the past as my fuel. I really appreciate that I took the ​opportunity. Thank you so much Toma.”

Khulood Shebami

Freelance Web Designer


"I am now more confident in my capabilities."

“I have found my career coaching with Toma an enjoyable experience ​with many techniques suggested to implement. Toma has even helped ​me beyond my career, giving me the freedom to explore other areas in ​my life that I felt needed attention as well. Toma’s calm and patient ​approach allowed me to open up, get to the root of specific issues and ​tackle them face-on. I am now more confident in my capabilities and ​had also grown in my self-awareness because of him.”

Tien Cin Jong

Health Coach, Cook & Adventurer,


"I started coaching because I needed a change ​in my life."

“I started coaching becauseI needed a change in my life. I wanted to be ​less pessimistic. To find another way to think. Throughout my coaching ​journey with Toma I found that I can decide how to feel at the end of the ​day. And I noticed that what will get me to the next level is a new routine ​that will help me make the changes I want to make. Rather than just ​keeping my mind on autopilot.”


Legal Adv​isor,


"This was unthinkable for me as an outcome"

“Hi Toma!!! I just sent the invoice for my first official paying client ​program thank you, you created magic for me!!

This was unthinkable for me as an outcome in such a short time, less ​than one year of studying coaching.”




"Just a few months later I got all the things I ​dreamt of…"

“I had the pleasure of meeting Toma during my travels. Since I ​felt totally lost and he wanted to practice coaching, he offered ​me a free session. It was not like I expected at all but it gave me ​so many new insights into my life. He helped me think about ​things I never thought of before and it helped me figuring out ​what I want in life.

Just a few months later I got all the things I dreamt of and life is ​perfect. It is amazing to see how fast we can reach things that ​once seemed impossible. I am so grateful for every day of my ​life, and for meeting Toma, who helped me change my ​perspective on life.”

Ilona Goossens

Entrepreneur, Hoi An


"This was unthinkable for me as an outcome"

“Hi Toma!!! I just sent the invoice for my first official paying client ​program thank you, you created magic for me!!

This was unthinkable for me as an outcome in such a short time, less ​than one year of studying coaching.”




"Within 1 month I learned to eliminate my limiting ​belief."

“I’ve been single for several years and I find it’s hard psychologically ​to get back into the dating world. So I was looking for a way to break ​down that wall. Within 1 month I learned to eliminate my limiting ​belief and started to understand that it’s not hard to find a girl that ​is interested in me. I found my self-worth and I know that I deserve ​to be treated better, thus I don’t need to constantly look for ​approval. You’ll totally change your mindset after going through the ​coaching sessions. I really appreciate your time and the knowledge ​you shared. I’ll definitely need to reflect back on this journey and try ​to take note of some important breakthroughs that I got from our ​discussions.”

Diin Abdullah

Motion Graphic Artist,




Elevate Your Life & Business

We evaluate where you currently stand. ​What works, what doesn’t. We identify your ​vision and what you’d like to create in life. If ​you’re an individual this process won’t take ​us longer than 1 hour. For businesses this ​can take up to 1 month, depending on the ​size of the company.


The months after that we work on reaching ​that objective step by step. That could mean ​coaching sessions with your team, with ​individuals or tailored training programs. ​Whatever is required for the change to ​occur we’ll do our best to provide. Your job is ​to stay in the game and embrace the ​discomfort that comes with any change.


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Once we know your current status and ​where you want to get to, we suggest a plan ​on how you may reach your objective. This ​can often be a better relationship, more ​financial freedom, less stress and better ​performance or a business that runs well ​and effortlessly. Once the strategy is ready, ​we discuss it together and adjust it until you ​absolutely love it.


We check-in and re-adjust on a quarterly ​basis making sure you are excited about ​what is to come and satisfied with the ​results you’ve accomplished. The main ​reason why so many people want coaching ​is because it works. Over time the return on ​investment is usually at least 10-times ​higher. So don’t hesitate, it’s one of the best ​investments you can make.

Are you ready to Create ​some Magic in your life?

Sign up for my FREE creating magic ​masterclass and get ready to receive warm, ​freshly-baked cookies in your inbox!

Ok, maybe not cookies but reading my emails ​and watching my content will feel the same… ​warm, joyful and fulfilling.